Here you'll find the information related to Transportation Engineering. Which will be covering the Planning and Construction Aspects of Transportation Facilities.
Friday, 30 September 2016
Railway Station Lahore, pakistan
Monday, 19 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
All About Traffic Engineering
Design Speed
"Design speed is the maximum safe speed that can be maintained over a specified section of a highway when conditions are so favorable that the design features of the highway govern." (AASHTO, 1990). The selection of a suitable design speed will depend on the terrain and functional class of the highway. Typical design speeds for freeways range from 50 mph to 70 mph depending on the terrain type (level, rolling or mountainous).
Traffic Volume
The traffic engineer’s measure or indicator of traffic volume is the average daily traffic (ADT). The ADT is the volume that results from dividing a traffic count obtained during a given time period by the number of days in that time period. For example, given a traffic count of 52,800 vehicles that was taken over a continuous period of 30 days, the ADT for this count equals 1,760 vehicles (52,800 divided by 30). Another commonly used measure of traffic volume is the annual average daily traffic (AADT), which is determined by dividing a count of the total yearly traffic volume by 365. The ADT and the AADT are not the same and it’s important to be aware of the time period when calculating the ADT.
Design Hour Volume
The DHV is a two-way traffic volume that is determined by multiplying the ADT by a percentage called the K-factor. Values for K typically range from 8 to 12% for urban facilities and 12 to 18% for rural facilities. Neither the AADT nor the ADT indicate the variations in traffic volumes that occur on an hourly basis during the day, specifically high traffic volumes that occur during the peak hour of travel. The traffic engineer has to balance the desire to provide an adequate level of service (LOS) for the peak hour traffic volume with proposing a design in which the highway capacity would only be utilized for a few hours of the year. This is where the design hour volume (DHV) comes in.
Directional Design Hour Volume
The directional design hour volume (DDHV) is the one-way volume in the predominant direction of travel in the design hour, expressed as a percentage of the two-way DHV. For rural and suburban roads, the directional distribution factor (D) ranges from 55 to 80 percent. A factor of approximately 50 percent is used for urban highways. Keep in mind that the directional distribution can change during the day. For example, traffic volume heading into the central business district is usually higher than outbound traffic in the morning, but the reverse is true during the afternoon peak hour. In summary, DDHV = ADT (or AADT)*K*D.
Vehicle Characteristics
Traffic engineers design highways that will accommodate all classes of vehicles. Width and height, overhangs and minimum turning paths at intersections are important parameters to have at hand during the design process. AASHTO states that the vehicle which should be used in designing for normal operations is the largest one that represents a significant percentage of the traffic for the design year.
Geometric Design Elements
Monday, 5 September 2016
Engineering Hydrology (hydrologic Equation)
“Hydrologic Equation”
-The Change in Storage shouldn’t be Negative-
The hydrologic equation states that change in storage of a reservoir is the difference between the inflow & the outflow to that reservoir.
Change in storage= I-O
I = Total Inflow
O = Total Outflow
∆S = Change in Storage during a given Time in a given Area
As I’m saying that the change in storage should not be negative, so the reason behind that; output from the system depends on
-the nature of input
As this heading is purely showing that the output depends only on the input that’s why the outflow should never be greater than the inflow. For example 100m3 water is entering under the area of catchment than there are no chances that more than 100m3 outflow from that area of catchment. Is it possible in case of dam, that there is 1M m3 water is present and the out flow is 1.1M m3 ? definitely NO. that’s why the change in storage shouldn’t be negative.
-the physical laws involved
According to N.M Awan; this equation is merely a description of the laws of the mass conservation - no water is creating into the system that make outflow more than the inflow- So the outflow is under the limit of inflow.
-the nature of the system
The nature of the system is actually the nature of the area of the catchment that is in practical is a Dam, Pound or any kind of depression even a cylinder. That leads that presence of water or any incoming source of water is treated as inflow and the outgoing water is treated as outflow from that area of catchment. For example if we are taking a cylinder(constant area) how we calculate the inflow? Actually we are taking its depth. How we calculate the outflow? also in depth. And how we calculate the change in storage? Definitely the difference of that depth. Is it possible that outflow increase the depth of water in that container? No, not at all, that’s why outflow is under the limit of inflow and the change in storage shouldn’t be negative.
The problem is that you are thinking that outflow can increase from the inflow as the outflow can also be taking place through that storage water.
I think we are dealing with the area of catchment and that storage water is also the inflow, as we measure the depth of that water storage which includes in inflow, as I explained above outflow can’t be increase the depth of that storage. That’s why change in storage shouldn’t be negative.
Friday, 2 September 2016
Classification of Roads in Different Countries
Hierarchy of roads
[hide]United States and Canada[edit]
Local roads[edit]
United Kingdom[edit]
Primary A-road[edit]
Non-primary A-road[edit]
B road[edit]
C road[edit]
Route Nationale[edit]
Routes Départementales[edit]
Routes Communales[edit]
- Gyorsforgalmi út (controlled-access highway):
- Autópálya (motorway): 2+2 travel lanes and 1+1 emergecy lane, central reservation, no at-grade intersections, speed limit: 130km/h
- Gyorsút (high-speed highway): 2+2 travel lanes, central reservation, few at-grade intersections, speed limit: 110km/h
- Autóút (expressway): 2+2, 2+1 or 1+1 travel lanes, central reservation, some at-grade intersections, speed limit: 110km/h
- Főút (arterial road or main road) (with one digit in their name, e.g.: 6-os út)
- Megyei út (County road) (with two digits, e.g.: 16-os út)
- Helyi út (local road) (with three or more digits)
- Autostrăzi (A) - Motorways
- Dumuri naționale și europene (DN, E) - National and European roads
- Dumuri naționale (DN) - National roads
- Dumuri județene (DJ) - County roads
- Dumuri comunale (DC) - Communal roads